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Supply List & Supply Kits

>>> You will need to purchase a portable SSD drive to transfer / archive your work (back up hard drive).

>>> For anyone interested in purchasing most of the supplies below in one, discounted kit from Dick Blick, the discounted kit will be ready in September, just call Dick Blick first to see when the kit is available.

Click here for: SCCA  Dick Blick Design Materials Flyer and QR code to purchase supplies from BLICK if you would like

You can buy these supplies at any art store or online. The closest art store to the school is Dick Blick (Across the street from Seattle Central on Broadway — 1600 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122).

There may be additional materials needed as your classes progress, but this is a list of most of what you will need in order to complete assignments and exercises. These items are for all six quarters and will be used weekly. 

 — Sketchbook, spiral bound, any size you like

 Tracing paper pad approx. 9 x 12”

— Dot grid pocket journal

— Post-it notes (~3” ::  4–6 pads)

— Drafting dots

— Double-sided tape

— Glue stick

— #11 x-acto knife with extra blades

— 2—3 Black Sharpie markers, in different widths



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