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  4. Your Class Room Assignment

Your Class Room Assignment

We’re located on the 5th floor of the Broadway Edison Building (BE). As you registered for our program you were randomly assigned to one of two first-year classrooms: either BE 5140 or BE 5142. Feel free to sit in any open seat in your assigned classroom when you arrive on campus.

Room BE 5140

Avila Armstrong
Daniel Barber
Eric Gallindo
Alyssa Guzman
Daina Harrison
Clayton Hollobaugh
Jenny Katz
Shinyu Lee
Maverick Lueck
Jordan Maier
Craig McKee
Sana Mills
Ashley Mwalimu
Calla Rainwater
Emily Taylor
Tuan Trinh
Asatta Valen
Samantha Zamora
Walker Busken


Room BE 5142

Keera Bal
Rose Boucher
Yuliia Brychkovska
Liz Clagett
Christine Dean
Diana Defrancisco
Kristopher Helton
Eleanor Howe
Keith Lau
Lu Liu
Timneet Mamu
Sergio Papagayo
Reid Priewe
Tyler Ramos
Elan Robinson
Kate Rumyantseva
Emily Schuman

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